
The features of the access channel to the Port of Pasajes imply limitations in the size of ships that may sail/manoeuvre in the port area.

These limitations are mainly based on recomendations issued by the Pilotage
Association and regulated by means of rules issued by the relevant authorities.

This selective system establishes some limitations based on length, draft and tidal periods as well as on the handling features of ships. This system, over the years, has proven to be well adapted to the conditions of the port and is easy to understand, apply and check by the authorities, users and services.


1. Itsasontziaren neurriak

  • Luzera: 185 m. (175-185 m bitarte. Ikusi   ). Gehieneko luzera atoian eramateko itsasontzientzat: 150 m.  
  • Zabalera: 30m. Salbuespen gisa zabalera handiagokoak. Ikusi 
  • Sakonera: 28 oin brankan- 29 oin popan (8,54 – 8,84m ). Handiagoa izan daiteke, itsasontziaren eta itsasaldien arabera. Ikusi
Lezoko kaia
  • Oro har, luzera 160 m
  • Lezoko 2 eta 3kaiak: luzera 125 m (125-135 m bitarte  ikusi )

2. Kanaleko pasabidea

Itsasaldiak direla-eta
  • 130 m-tik gorako luzera itsasoa igotzen ari denean (130-140 m bitarteko itsasontziak ikusi )
  • Sakonera > 25 oin (7,62 m ) bitarte honetan: itsasgora baino 4 ordu lehenagotik itsasgora pasatu eta 3 ordura
Ikuspena dela-eta (eguneko argia)
  • Luzera > 140 m (80 m propultsiorik gabeko ontzietan edo atoian eramaten direnetan)   

Documentazioa. Jaisteko eremua

Requires the technical estimate by the Pilotage Association before authorisation by the Port Authorities. Download form
It requires explicit authorization of the Port authority.
The special vessels with adicional maneuvering assistances between 130 and 140m. and 25 feet draft may request tide exemption to the Pilotage Association.